I have tried blogging. I have tried answering surveys. I have tried Paid To Click sites. All I can tell you from my experience is all those work, kind of.
Blogging requires hard dedication and learning a lot of Search Engine Optimization, back-linking and internet marketing promotion. In the end, you will find yourself spending more time on all that than on writing articles.
Paid surveys are rare and tedious. In addition, most of them require too many of your personal information. Maybe you can earn some money this way, but there are too many scams that in the end, it’s just not worth your time.
Until WebAnswers appeared on this making money online scene, there just was no easy way of making money on the internet.
WebAnswers use special approach called AdSense revenue sharing. This means that you need to have Google AdSense account before you can earn any money there. The principle is quite simple:
- You answer questions.
- If your answer is selected as the best one, you earn 60% on all AdSense advertisements views and clicks on that “awarded answer”.
- If you ask questions, you get into rotation with all the people who answer your question. For example, if you post question and 3 people answer it, you will get 60% of income from every fourth page view.